Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Spring lettuce!

At long last, we have a little home-grown, fresh produce. I planted this batch of spring lettuce on March 21, and it was ready to harvest for a decent-sized salad on May 3. I had to use the cold frames to protect the lettuce on a couple of chilly nights, but March 21 was not too early to plant. The CHALLENGE: can I get an earlier harvest next year? I'd like to say yes, but sometimes it's so cold I can't bear to drop the tiny seeds. But, the gauntlet has been thrown. Move aside, former Floridian, next year we'll eat salad in April!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What's poking up in my garden?

Time to start looking for some rhubarb and chive recipes. I'm most excited about the chives for some reason. There's nothing better than snipping some chives over scrambled eggs, or adding them to your favorite biscuit or savory scone recipe. My kids have always loved chives, so it's an easy way to liven up our spring plates.